Darling Girl.

Let's Talk


Soul too tight closed,
With no arms to rest on.
Eyes filled with denouement,
But Darling Girl, let it seep.

The pain is real,
Abrading your life.
Your thoughts will be hacked,
But Darling Girl, you still are pure.

You bellow out your sting,
Still unheard.
You drown in the voices of solace,
But Darling Girl, you take another step forward.

Then unforeseen,
You sunk with the sunrise.
Your vivacity meeting mortality,
But Darling Girl, you are still awake.

You drew a story of battle,
With your life as the army.
Your heart must have ached, your mind must have desolated,
But Darling Girl, your sufferings have ended.

You have left the trace of your existence,
Now headed towards paradise.
Your strings might be broken,
But Darling Girl, your echo will always resonate.

Dedicated to a friend who left us with only her memories. I pray for you, my friend. R.I.P . 

Take Care

From the not so-


14 thoughts on “Darling Girl.

      1. Uh.
        Just that I don’t miss people
        Or write poetry, which would
        Remind me of their perks or rather
        Solely, of the words they made me see.

    1. Thanks for your prayers, Anoop.

      You know what the worst part is ? Her little sister doesn’t even realise what has happened ……

      And yeah, glad you liked the poem 🙂 …..

  1. That was really beautiful and heart-touching. I had to stop and just stare at those words for sometime before commenting. You really stopped the world for a few moments. Your friend was indeed a darling and was lucky to have you with her as long as possible. You did perfect justice to her memories by writing such soulful poetry. May her soul rest in peace 🙂

    1. Thank you for those lovely words Prateek 🙂
      Well, let’s just say ‘I’ was lucky to have a darling fighter as my friend.
      Thanks for your prayers 🙂